We are

The ICR Team

Here you can find the details about the scientists and experts of the ICR

Martin Steiner

Diplom-Ingenieur, Doctor, Master of Science

• HTL, TU Wien Energietechnik, Promotion „Energie Autarkie“, MSc „deep geothermal Energy“

• Expert in surface heating & cooling and Free Cooling
Academic director MSc masterstudy Energy-Autarchy 

  • Donau Universität Krems 2011-2013
  • Alpen Adria Universität Klagenfurt 2014–2017

Engineering consulting office, Energy auditor ISO 50001 und EN 16001, EXAA energy trader, Member of Board for Energy Autarky IGEA in Austria


Current Projects:

Since 2018: Topics of the middle class, “Wise Decision,” and swarm intelligence

Since 2019: Energy-autonomous room cooling, renewable energy for town centers (, and blackout precautions

Since 2020: “Energy, Climate, Environment, Crisis Preparedness, and Sustainability”

-> UWB Independent Scientific Advisory Board

My Personal Motivation

The CO2-related "climate catastrophe narrative" of the IPCC and the EU cannot (currently in 2024) be discussed or reviewed. I consider it essential to contribute here to get "somewhat" closer to reality and to provide a counterbalance to the current and politically motivated misinformation.

Klaus Retzlaff

Doctor of Natural Sciences

Born in 1962 in Magdeburg

  • In 1997, he received his doctorate in Theoretical Physics on quantum fluctuations in 2D antiferromagnets from the Faculty of Natural Sciences at the Otto von Guericke University Magdeburg.
  • Even before his studies, the author dealt with fundamental questions of gravitational research and quantum mechanics.
  • As a specialist book author, he is active in publishing and has published various books and booklets on this and other topics.
  • Dr. Klaus Retzlaff works primarily as a therapist for children, adolescents, and adults with mathematical difficulties.
  • Additionally, he is a specialist book author on speculative topics in gravitational physics.

My Personal Motivation


Axel Jacquin

Certified Data Analyst

Born in 1955

  • Dipl. Bibl., Free University of Berlin

  • Research project on the use of specialized information databases for schools, development of a research database for patent information, and front-ends for mainframe systems

  • Project management for distributed data network systems at the data center (Konstanz) for university libraries in Baden-Württemberg

  • Now retired

  • Interest in experimental research on climate issues

My Personal Motivation

The following questions led me to the ICR: How real is the supposed threat of climate change? Is the CO2 emitted by industry truly the main factor for global warming? Does the alleged threat justify the measures taken by the state and society?

Ernst Hammel PhD.


University of Vienna and Weizmann Institute, Nuclear Physics
• University of Berkeley, Postdoc in Semiconductor Engineering 

• University of Vienna, Assistant Professor
• American Microsystems, Research and Development Engineer
• AMS-Osram Unterpremstätten, Manager Reliability and Failure Analysis
• IMS Nanofabrication Vienna, Manager Application Engineering
• European Patent Office, Senior Examiner
• Electrovac, Vice President Technology
• Bombardier Transportation, Manager Intellectual Property

• CEN and ISO 
• GME 

My Personal Motivation

Model calculations based on disputed foundations and constant fear-mongering prevent an objective understanding of the complex climate phenomena. Preconceived opinions in the interpretation of measurement data influence public opinion and require corrective counterpositions. I am determined to use my education and experience as a physicist for this work for the benefit of the public.

Werner Bergholz

Doktor der Naturwissenschaften
Ehem. Prof. of Electrical Engineering

17 years of industrial experience with technical and business responsibilities – 21 years in academia – 23 years in national and international standardization organizations.



October 2015 – today: Partner at ISC International Standards Consulting GmbH & Co. KG, Gehrden, Germany

September 2001 – June 2015 Professor of Electrical Engineering at Jacobs University Bremen, Germany

  • Research Topics microelectronic, photovoltaics, quality engineering, standardization
  • Official retirement 2015

October 1985 – August 2001: Siemens Semiconductor Division / Infineon Technologies

  • Management of a laboratory for crystal defect and contamination analysis for silicon integrated circuit technology de-vice lines / Siemens AG, Munich, Germany 1985 – 1990
  • Head of analysis group of defect and contamination analysis at the 4 Mbit DRAM production plant of Siemens in Regensburg, Germany 1990 – 1994
  • Worldwide Manager of the Silicon Wafer Supplier Management Group of Siemens, Munich 1995 – 1998
  • Director of Quality Management and Business Excellence at the Munich Production Plant of the Siemens Semiconductor Group / Infineon Technologies 1999 – 2001

Assistant Professor 1978 – 1985 at Göttingen University, in this timeframe two research visits at Arhus University, DK (April to October 1979) and Oxford University, UK (mid 1983 – mid 1985).

Research topics metal contamination and intrinsic gettering / oxygen in silicon


April 1975: Diploma from Göttingen University Germany in Semiconductor Physics

July 1978: Dr. rer. nat. from Göttingen University Germany in Semiconductor Physics

My Personal Motivation

"I am involved with ICR because here an interdisciplinary team collaborates exemplary to assist in shedding light on the debate surrounding the purportedly human-induced climate change."

Matthias Marvan

Environmental engineer

Year of birth 1988

• HTL Environmental Engineering

• Field of work: Building services engineering and product development

• Self-employed since 2020

My Personal Motivation

As an active environmentalist, it is my concern to expose the scientific pitfalls of model calculations through tangible experiments. Environmental destruction under the guise of "climate protection" has become a reality through clever wording and framing, which is unacceptable.

My Personal Motivation

As an active environmentalist, it is my concern to expose the scientific pitfalls of model calculations through tangible experiments. Environmental destruction under the guise of "climate protection" has become a reality through clever wording and framing, which is unacceptable.

Christoph Marvan

Environmental engineer

• Born in 1977

• Education: HTL Environmental Engineering

• Self-employed in the building services engineering field since 2005

My Personal Motivation

Double-check everything yourself. The announced disasters do not occur.

Eric Lemonnier

PhD in Natural Sciences, specializing in Biology & Ecology

• Studied Biology at the University of Vienna (1998 – 2005)

• Dissertation at the TU Wien on the topic of Life Cycle Assessments (2017 – 2021)

• Professional experience in the fields of environmental and nature conservation, as well as assessment of product and industrial process sustainability.

My Personal Motivation

Only an open discourse without ideological taboos leads to solutions that are both economically and ecologically viable.

My Personal Motivation

Only an open discourse without ideological taboos leads to solutions that are both economically and ecologically viable.


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