Video contributions from ICR

Here you can find the latest videos on the topic of climate.

Is 'climate protection' a business model?

Conversations with Dr. Erik Pauer about whether there is a business model for climate protection? WHO makes HOW MUCH money and HOW?

Secure and stable energy with wind?

“The newly planned wind turbines are expected to generate approximately 78 million kilowatt hours of clean electricity per year at full capacity, thus being able to meet the annual demand of nearly 20,000 households.”

  • “Does this information hold true? Is electricity from wind power cleaner electricity?”

  • “Can truly 20,000 households be connected to a wind farm?”

Sensational Discovery! 220 Years of Climate in Germany

Dr. Klaus Retzlaff speaks of “Climate Amnesia” – which “we suffered” because we can no longer or don’t want to remember the climate events from 1668 – 1888. In this Part 2, we report on the records from the church archives of Cochstedt (in the middle of Germany). These records depict the lived reality of people from that time and reflect the climate events.

Are we drowning?

In this video, I discuss with Prof. Dr. Werner Bergholz the situation regarding the rise (?) of global sea levels.

Are the world’s oceans rising?
Is the Arctic and Antarctic ice melting?
Are islands being swallowed by the sea?
What is the rate of global sea level rise?
And where?
What does the IPCC say about this?

“Climate change, solar activity, and “realistic” impact and risk assessments for the 21st century”

Here is the entire presentation by Prof. Scafetta – “Climate change, solar activity, and “realistic” impact and risk assessments for the 21st century”; presented on February 23rd. 2024 for the members of the UWB (independent scientific advisory board). The lecture was organized by Dr. Ernst Hammel, thank you very much for the organisation!

Is CO2 really the climate killer?

Donald Trump claims that climate change is an invention of the Chinese, and the German party AfD considers carbon dioxide to be not harmful. Therefore, in this video, we address the question of whether carbon dioxide (CO2) is truly a climate killer or if it carries this reputation unjustly. Additionally, we explore whether climate change can be proven and, if so, how severe it really is. Prof. Quaschning’s video has been online since September 18, 2018, has received 4944 likes, and has been viewed 166,482 times (as of August 23, 2023). We became aware of this video, as well as the fact that Prof. Quaschning is said to have been able to demonstrate the greenhouse effect of CO2 with an experiment in the laboratory – therefore, we want to take a closer look at his experiment. The careful analysis of Prof. Quaschning’s experiment is important because it is becoming increasingly clear how uncertain, if not outright dubious, the climate models of the IPCC are. Against this background, the clarification of whether the greenhouse effect can be replicated in the laboratory is of enormous importance.

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EU climate policy endanger the economic future

Does the current EU climate policy endanger the economic future of the EU countries due to unsettled climate science? Abstract Research Background: The “European Climate Law“ aims at achieving net zero carbon dioxide emissions within the next 27 years. It is based on the findings of the IPCC and its

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